
Full membership is open to everyone, experience or expertise is not a requirement.

All that is needed is genuine interest in one or more of the disciplines listed, a desire to learn, and your commitment to WW&F’s Vision, Values & Goals.

Cost of membership is an annual fee of $25

Subscriptions are due upon acceptance of your completed application and at the commencement of each financial year.

Subscriptions are to be paid to:

Bananacoast Credit Union

BSB 533-000

Account: 021 073 84

Please include your full name as a reference.

Apply for a membership directly online using the form below:

Membership Application Form
Your First Name
Your Surname
Your Residential Address
Your Residential Address
Your email address
Your Telephone Number
Contact Details Privacy?
Do you wish to have your contact details suppressed if inspection of the membership register is requested by any member as permitted by the Associations Incorporation Act 2009?
Your Areas of Interest
Please select the disciplines that interest you by selecting one or more of the boxes above. NOTE: discounted ticket prices apply only to financial members.