Vision, Values & Goals


  1. To create, nurture and support an ensemble group that recognises and celebrates each member’s contribution.
  2. To be a visionary company that explores theatre’s possibilities.
  3. To attract and support passionate performers and directors.
  4. To attract skilled playwrights who will develop scripts specifically for the company and who are willing to work with the company in the development of scripts.
  5. In the event of high quality locally written scripts not being available, scripts published by other playwrights may be selected for a production.
  6. To nurture the art and craft of theatre.
  7. To support the disciplines – acting, directing, scriptwriting – by pursuing opportunities for skill development.


  1.  To use theatre to engage with Mid North Coast communities and to celebrate the region’s diverse cultural identity.
  2. To stage live theatre that is accessible, inclusive and affordable, and when possible, to benefit the local community financially, for example by hiring local halls and/or profit sharing.
  3. To develop and maintain effective partnerships.


  1. Implement and maintain a financially viable business model with the aim of supporting the company’s development.
  2. To take theatre to the people, which includes staging performances in the Nambucca Valley’s historic halls.
  3. To become known locally and nationally as a brave company that blazes trails.
  4. To apply for funding to support skill development and to provide equipment to enhance the company’s performances.
  5. To promote the company’s achievements by offering productions to other entities either as a touring group or by the payment of royalties.